We are happy to meet and greet new visitors, and in order to make you feel comfortable and understand some of the traditions and practices of Tibetan Buddhism, we provide this little guide. Keep in mind that the monastery is a place where Westerners meet an Eastern religious tradition that was integrated into Tibetan culture; […]
Additional Q&A
How do Buddhists worship? Buddha is a generic word that means ‘Awakened One’. There have been countless Buddhas in the past and countless people will become Buddhas in the future. Buddhists regard all Buddhas as perfect guides, and practitioners develop faith in them and rely upon them as Spiritual Guides. By relying upon enlightened beings, […]
Will I be pressured to join or convert? Absolutely not! Our activities are free and open to curious people of all backgrounds. Buddhism does not set itself apart from other religions, nor attach importance to “converting.” It is practice-oriented not ideological. Some people who follow the teachings of Buddha choose to identify themselves as Buddhist. […]