Recommended Apps for Electronic Devices

Dharma Treasure

This free application from Rabten Choeling is the door to numerous electronic publications. Dharma teachings in English and a collection of over 300 Tibetan scriptures in the Tibetan language are available for viewing on your phone or tablet. The Tibetan calendar, with all the special days for practitioners, includes a list of the Tibetan New Year days.

Tibetan Calendar

This calendar is meant specifically for practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism. It shows the cycle of twelve months according to the Tibetan lunar calendar, together with the corresponding months and days of the Western calendar.

Tibetan Up-to-Date

At Rabten Choeling, the Centre for Higher Tibetan Studies in Switzerland, many Westerners have been learning the Tibetan language since 1977. This application reflects their experiences in transmitting this precious language. The Tibetan Up-to-Date application can be used on iPhone, iPad, or Android devices.


What to Expect in a Buddhist Monastery


Dharma Etiquette — What Some Westerners Don’t Know