While staying at Dagom Ladang (the residence and Monastery of the 12th Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche) and studying Tibetan and Buddhist Philosophy at Rangjung Yeshe Institute in Kathmandu, the Ven. Lobzang Dorje began thinking about creating a monastery in Indianapolis. After enduring the earthquake that ravished Kathmandu in 2015, Lobzang Dorje returned to Indianapolis and began working with an architect to design the prayer space that summer. In December 2015, he returned to Kathmandu and purchased statutes for the altar (Shakyamuni Buddha, long-life Tsongkhapa, and Buddha Maitreya). During the summer of 2016, Geshe Tempa Jangsam filled and consecrated the statutes during his visit to the Monastery. The architect finalized the plans during the spring of 2016, and using his resources, Lobzang Dorje hired a contractor to construct the prayer space in June 2016. During the construction phase, he created the Monastery’s bylaws and completed other legal requirements to establish the new prayer space and the existing historic residential structure as Dagom Geden Kunkyob Ling, a religious non-profit organization.

In October 2016, with the support of Dagom Ladang, Dagom Geden Kunkyob Ling officially opened. H. E. Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s deepest wish was to teach and preserve the Dharma purely for the benefit of all sentient beings. In following the wishes of this renowned Tibetan Buddhist Master, Dagom Geden Kunkyoyb Ling preserves the Buddha’s teachings through the lineage of the great Lama Je Tsongkhapa, who founded the Gelug tradition in the 15th century. The Monastery’s presence reflects not only the blessings and generosity of our monks, board members, lineage masters, lineage protectors, sangha members, and dharma friends but also the financial generosity of Venerable Lobzang Dorje, who established the Monastery.

Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s brother, H. E. Kyabje Daknak Rinpoche, has been exceedingly generous. Rinpoche made his first visit in 2018, giving Vajrasattva, White Tara Long-Life, and Yamantaka initiations as well as Lama Je Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga (Gaden Lha Gyema), three principal aspects of the path, four noble truths, and Lojong (mind training) teachings. He returned in 2019 and gave Vajrayogini, Avalokiteshvara, Medicine Buddha, and Lama Je Tsongkhapa Long-life Initiations, as well as teachings on karma and the seven-step cause and effect instructions.

The Monastery closed its doors to in-person teachings during the 2020-2022 COVID pandemic but continued its regular Saturday and Wednesday teachings via Zoom. Kyabje Daknak Rinpoche returned in the fall of 2023. At that time, he offered teachings on Refuge, the four immeasurable, compassion as the source of happiness, short Lamrim teachings, and bodhichitta; he gave the Yamantaka and Vajrasattva Initiations, and the Vajrayogini Blessing. He returned for a brief visit in June 2024 and gave Yamantaka, Manjushri, White Tara Long-life Initiations, the Vajrayogini Blessing, and two days of Lojong teachings. In June 2024, Rinpoche offered Yamantaka, Vajrayogini, Manjushri, White Tara Long-life initiations, and Lojong Teachings.

Dagom Geden Kunkyob Ling’s presence unites residents of central Indiana with other Buddhist practitioners from around the world. The Monastery allows residents to study and practice Buddhist thought as transmitted by our great lineage Masters of the Gelug Tradition.

Dagom Geden Kunkyob Ling welcomes people of all backgrounds. We uphold the Dharma and make it available to everyone, regardless of race, gender, religious affiliations or practices, or sexual orientation. We offer teachings free of charge; however, we sincerely appreciate offerings to support the Monastery, its teachers, and its translators. All financial contributions are tax-deductible.